
Nice To Meet You - Tobuscus FanFic part 16

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(Toby's POV)

I was Heeyling back to Jack's home when I heard Celeste scream.


I turned around immediately and saw a dark figure in the distance on top of someone, and I saw it was Celeste. He hit her with some object, and her body went limp.

I felt my blood run hot. Blinded by rage, I ran to the man, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him off of my Celeste. He hit the ground and I got on top of him, punching his face over and over, watching him bleed and writhe. He tried to fight back by hitting the sharp edge of the hammer into my shoulder.
It ripped into my flesh, but with my adrenaline rush, I pulled it out without hesitation and aimed the sharp edge at him.

"You son of a bitch! Don't you EVER touch her again!!" I dropped the hammer and grabbed him by his jacket collar. "DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

The man inaudibly mumbled something. I pulled him closer to my face and, feeling the hatred in my heart and hearing the coldness in my voice, I said, "If you don't speak up, I will kill you. Do. You. Hear. Me."

He quickly nodded, despite his head injuries. I dropped him, punched him one more time for good measure, and ordered, "Good. Get the hell out of here, before I call the cops."

He quickly stumbled up, and ran into the nearby alley. I didn't know if what I did was right, letting him go.

I remembered Celeste and went to her. I gently shook her awake, to make sure she was still alive. I don't want her to die again, and I don't want to relive that painful memory…

"Please, Celeste. Wake up…" I saw the pool of blood underneath her head, and the bruise on her temple.

"Celeste! Please!" I started to panic, and shook her a little more. Her eyes opened, but her eyes couldn't focus on my face. They were looking everywhere, and I guessed the blow to her head must've messed up her vision.

She seemed to remember where she was and asked, "What happened to the man?"

I remembered what that man did to her and my anger, and I said, "I threw him off of you and beat him up." I looked away. "I was ready to kill him, and was going to if he didn't leave when I gave him the chance."

I looked back at her, and she was sitting up staring at me, her violet eyes piercing my own eyes, as if searching for something. She looked over my shoulder, where, on the sidewalk, there was some blood. Celeste turned her attention to me once more. Her gaze fell to my shoulder, and her expression spelled panic.

"Toby!! You're hurt! Please, we need to take you to the hospital!!"

"It's not that bad, really.." I inspected my shoulder to see blood rolling down my forearm, with a gash on my shoulder, ripped through my Tobuscus t-shirt. Now that the adrenaline was settling down, the pain set in, and I grasped my shoulder.

"I'm not that badly beat up! I've seen worse happen to me! …in video games!" I let out a little chuckle, trying to stifle the tremors in my voice.

"Stop playing around!!" Celeste then looked over my shoulder, and I turned as well. There was Sean, rushing down the sidewalk, yelling, "Are you two alright? I heard screaming!"

Sean approached me and saw my arm, looked at Celeste and saw the bruise with the blood that ran down her neck and onto her chest. He looked down at his feet, and saw the blood on the sidewalk.

"What the hell?! What happened?! Toby, did you do something to Celeste!?"

I got up defensively, winced, and said, "Never! A drunken man attacked her! I just helped her! Why would you ever think I would so something like that?!"

"Well then where is this man?"

I pointed with my good arm to the alley. "He ran in there."

I read the anger in Sean's eyes, and as he tried to enter the alleyway, I grabbed his arm.

"Don't do it, dude. I already beat him up, he got what he deserved."

"What about you? He hurt you too!"

I looked down at Celeste, who was trying to get up, but stumbled a few times. I went to her aid to keep her up.

"Sean, I'm going back to Jack's. Celeste needs medical attention, she may have a concussion. Let's go."

I put my hand around her waist, and helped to guide her back to Jack's while Sean followed.

I opened the front door to see everyone gathered in the living room, like how it was when I left. Expressions of concern appeared on everyone's face and they got up to help us. Kristen, Olga, and Justine took Celeste to another room to clean her head wound and apply bandages.

Shane, Joe, and Jack ran to me and asked what happened, but I was feeling dizzy. My arm kept losing more blood, and I began to lose my balance.

"I'll tell you soon… Jack, please. I need some form of tourniquet."

He rushed to the kitchen and brought back a kitchen towel, pressing it into my wound. I gasped at the pain, but it soon became tolerable. Jack wrapped the towel around my arm, tying it. I found my way to the couch, and told them what happened. They looked incredibly worried, and tried to talk to me with logic.

"Toby, you need to tell the cops. They won't arrest you for self-defense."

"Alright, I guess I should. I'll go tomorrow to the police station. I got to go check on Celeste…"

I got up and began to walk to the room where the girls had taken her, but immediately regretted it. I fell to the floor after seeing some major stars.
There are a little bit of swears, and some fighting, but nothing too bad.

Part 17 soon! :D
© 2012 - 2024 katz876
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